
This is a fully responsive theme, meaning it is optimized to look great on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. Below is each section of the Theme Settings broken down.


Customize your favicon, upload your own custom logo, or create your own using an array of different font settings provided for you. Adjust the position of your logo to be centred, left, or right.

Navigation & Top Bar

Customize the font, adjust the position of the navigation and change the colors of the links and dropdown menus.

Upload a background image or use a solid color for your Top Bar. Customize the cart button and select the colors to match your look and feel.


Here you have the flexibility to adjust the font of headings and body text. Choose a websafe font or go with one of fifty google webfonts included.

Background, Links and Buttons

Upload a custom background or choose a solid color. You are also able to select a matching style for the border, change the color of the links and the buttons throughout your site.


Slideshow or Video - Upload up to eight images to create a rotating banner or add a featured video from YouTube or Vimeo to be showcased instead of a slideshow of images.

Home Page Content - You have the ability to add up to six different content sections on your home page. Utilize that space to drive users to different pages throughout your site.

Feature collections right on your home page, and get your customers right to the type of products they want to purchase. You can also display specific products within one collection on your homepage. 


Take control of the collections page with determining if you want to display 2, 3, or 4 products per row, and choose how many products per page you want to display.  

Product Page

Integration with social media allows your customers to Share, Tweet, Pin, and Like your products. There is also the option to have Facebook comments.  

The built in Related Products section is a great way to promote other similar products on the same page to increase sales.

Choose to display tabs within the product description to better organize product information. Click here for an example, or see how to implement tabs here.

Blog & Article Pages

Easily display tags, comments and social sharing of all blog entries.  Choose to use a custom author to display only one author name, and hide that you have multiple staff members writing blog posts. 


This sidebar is loaded with features. You have the ability to include a search bar, an optional text widget that can be populated with whatever you want, post your twitter feed, display the most recent blog articles, and include an extra link list if need be. Or choose to disable the "Display Sidebar" option to fully remove the sidebar from the theme.

Cart Page

Collect extra information from the customer by using the cart note feature.  

Use the built in Shipping Calculator to help your customers determine the shipping rates before checking out.


Display a link list of your choice in the footer along with hooking up all your social media sites to your shop. Select to display your payment options right in the footer.

Additional Layouts

Carry over your theme settings to your customer account pages.